And what if your beauty routine was on point (but you felt great about yourself with or without it)?
One month to a fabulous beauty routine AND unshakeable self-confidence
A fabulous look can really help your sense of worth. But do you know what makeup can’t replace? Rockin’ self-confidence!

Makeovers do wonders for your self-esteem, but the most attractive, charismatic women are those who are boldly confident at their core.  

That confidence doesn’t just come from their glowing skin. 
It comes from loving the person they see in the mirror every day, with or without makeup. 
Imagine loving the skin you’re in — all the time, every day...

You could stop constantly worrying and stressing about your appearance or what others think.  

Instead of thinking about your looks and feeling unsure you could shift your attention to work, your next promotion, your business, meeting people, or even just enjoying life! 

The truth is, many of us enjoy makeup and have an interest in skincare routines. 
But what we REALLY want is what fabulous, glowing, dewy 
skin and a drop-dead makeup look get us. Things like...
  • Our significant other’s admiration
  • An impression of confidence our boss can’t ignore
  • The envy of our friends
  • The next big promotion up for grabs at the office
  • A rockin’ social life 
  • Self-confidence
  • The ability to pursue our dreams and go after what we really want
  • The attention of our crush
The thing is, when you go to purchase makeup or skincare products, no one addresses this. And if you work on self-confidence with a therapist or coach, they can’t really tell you which skincare product at Sephora is best for your skin type.
The truth is, you need BOTH self-confidence AND a pro-level skincare routine if you want to look and feel your best 24/7.
What if you could be a pro at your own skincare AND be self-confident?
We know…

You’re sick and tired of obsessing about your appearance… 

...always thinking about your skincare routine, wondering what products will fix your breakouts or dull skin… 

...and all you really want is to stop thinking about how you look and feel and go after the next big promotion at work! 

You’ve experimented with a ton of looks and lots of different makeup. In fact, your bathroom counter sort of looks like a mini Sephora. 

And with all the things you’ve got going on it’s not like you can try another “see what sticks” method for a beauty routine!
You’re sick and tired of the comparison game, and wondering why your co-worker always looks so put together, but you don’t.

And deep down inside, you want to feel confident all the time, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep.  

It would feel SO AMAZING to have naturally glowing skin and never worry about how you look.  
The problem is that the makeup counter doesn’t help your mindset or your self-confidence levels.

Self-confidence is attractive. If you feel confident, people will notice. So what you really need is self-confidence AND an awesome skincare routine.  

But no one has addressed how to achieve this...until now! 
We’re Melanie White and Jessica Leigh. We’re sisters...and we both help women be the best, most confident versions of themselves. 

Melanie is an esthetician and sells skincare products. Jessica is a coach with a focus on self-confidence. 

We both realized that women seek out makeovers to boost their self-worth, self-confidence, and how they feel about themselves.  
But a makeover alone can’t give you the inner glow that only comes from deep self-love and self-confidence.
Dozens of our clients have experienced the benefits of our makeup expertise AND our confidence coaching. 

We decided to combine both of our specialties to create training that boosts your self-confidence AND your beauty routine.

This is the PERFECT COMBO to permanently boost how you feel about yourself and how others perceive you.
Trust us — growing your self-confidence 
and believing in your own worth is the
biggest game-changer!
Trust us, honey, you’re amazing. You’re smart, you’ve worked super hard to get to where you are...and you’re probably settling for less than you deserve.

Do you know what’s getting in your way? 
It’s your self-doubt, how you think about yourself, how you perceive yourself. If you don’t believe in you or think you’re A-M-A-Z-I-N-G then why should your boss give you the promotion?
How you view yourself reinforces how others view you.
So if the difference between your current pay rate and a 5-figure raise is your self-confidence... isn’t that worth investing in?
Imagine asking for what you want, negotiating for what you deserve, and fearlessly living the life of your dreams. 

You could quit worrying about your appearance and start achieving those goals. 

And instead of always thinking about how you appear to other people, you could live in the moment, enjoying time with friends, family, your kids or your significant other. 

That’s what confident women do, and that’s what we want for ALL WOMEN
You’ll be top of mind for raises, promotions, leadership roles, volunteer positions, and more!
No more dreading mornings, wondering about your appearance as you go out the door, no more hesitating to speak up at work or in social events because you’re unsure of your appearance.
Hello volunteering for leadership roles, being the life of the party, coming out of your shell, and turning heads!
Get your perfect look AND feel good in your own skin so you can stop being a spectator and start being a participant in your own life
Here's what you get in the challenge...
Each week for 4 weeks, we’ll work on your inner and outer routines...here’s what we mean... 
Week 1
Beauty Audit
We’ll discuss your skincare routine as well as your morning routine and the condition of your skin.
We’ll also cover your limiting beliefs, body image, and current confidence level, as well as how you label yourself.
Week 2
Uncover the Girl
We’re going to overhaul your products by throwing out old, expired, and harmful ones, and by cleaning and maintaining your brushes.
You’ll learn all about proper exfoliation and how to get rid of dead skin. You’ll learn what mask is best for you, and which skincare habits to lose! Plus you’ll get a pro beauty assessment!
You’ll also let go of self-limiting beliefs, as well as learn how to let go of the people, things, and routines not serving you.
Together, we’ll address the comparison game and clean out your social media so you can move forward confidently.

Week 3
Ready, Set, Glow!
This week is all about the skincare, which serum you should use, and your morning and bedtime skincare routine. 

You’ll learn about moisturizer and what type of skincare your unique skin requires.  

We’ll also directly address your self-confidence by learning how to love the person we see in the mirror with tools such as self-love visualizations and customized affirmations. 

Week 4
On the Glow Lifestyle
We’ll create your unique, customized beauty plan that works for both your skin AND your lifestyle.

And we’ll work on an accountability option for you so you keep those confidence levels high! 
You get all of our best, pro-level tips to stay confident and turn your skin from breakouts to glowing. 

But best of all, you get a lasting self-esteem boost that will transform your life and help you pursue your dreams.  
Who is the 28-Day Beyond the Makeup Challenge For?
Professionals ready for a “grown-up” skincare routine
Anyone struggling with problem skin, breakouts, or dry skin
Any woman who wants to glow on the inside and outside
Hard-working mamas and career women who need a confidence boost
We’re planning on opening the 28-Day Beyond the Makeup Challenge just a few times a year. We want to make sure we can care for the amazing ladies who come to us, so we’ve got to be sure not to overwhelm ourselves by hosting the challenge to often.
Can you really afford not to go after your dreams with everything you’ve got?
You deserve the best you can get, and trust us...you’ll go a whole lot further with a blast of self-confidence.  

You’ve got a lot of goals and plans and we want to help you get there. 
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- Jane Smith
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
- Jane Smith
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
- Jane Smith
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
- Jane Smith
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
- Jane Smith
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
- Jane Smith
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